The waiting time for shipping depends on the type of product ordered and is indicated at the time of ordering. In the case of off-the-shelf products, shipping is no later than the 3rd business day after the payment is credited. In products made to order, the waiting time for shipping is determined individually with the customer, most often it is 1-4 weeks.

When the selected fabric is available in the “to order” option, it means that this particular design and size is not in our stock at the moment and will be made especially for you, only after you place your order. The lead time for your order is about 1-4 weeks, it depends on the size of the fabric and the current work schedule at the loom. If you are curious about how long it will take to receive the fabric of your choice, we will be happy to answer this question! Please call 507 823 271 or email[/vc_column_text]

Yes! We are always happy to carry out individual projects. If you haven’t found a pattern or size of rug/wall fabric that suits you in our offer, we are happy to design something specifically for your apartment, office, or with a particular occasion or celebration in mind.
If you’re curious about the process of designing personalized fabrics, check out the “Custom Kilims” tab.

Yes! We often make carpets with the character of the designs from our offer, but in sizes that fit specific interiors. Such personalization changes the proportions of the pattern, so we already discuss each project individually with the customer. The process of making such a fabric is described in the “Custom-made Kilims” tab.

All of Tartaruga’s fabrics are crafted in our studio in Lodz, Poland. Weaving is a very time-consuming activity, the time to make a 100×150 cm kilim is about 7-10 working days, and for larger formats the time increases up to 4 weeks. Production time is not only the time we spend at the loom. It also consists of the time needed to prepare the loom for work, and sometimes still the time to wait for the delivery of yarns. The length of fabric realization is also affected by our current schedule. Sometimes we can complete your project right away, but there are times when we must first complete orders that were placed before yours. We will inform you of all the details and the waiting time in the message you receive after you place your order. You can also contact us in advance by phone or email to find out how long the waiting time will be.

You can find the necessary phone numbers and email address in the “Contact Us” tab.

Yes! We can change the color scheme of your carpet (or decorative fabric) to perfectly match your apartment. If you are curious about how the realization of personalized fabrics looks like, you can find more information about it in the “Custom Kilims” tab.

Yes, we can ship all the products available in the store overseas and even to another continent! 🙂 You can find more information about shipping in the “Delivery and payment” tab.

If the fabric you purchased was available in the regular offer (you could buy it in the online or stationary store), you are entitled to 30 days to return it (from the moment you receive the shipment), you do not need to give a reason for the return. Please address shipments to:

Tartaruga Studio
54/2U Wschodnia Street
90-263 Lodz,
tel. 691 567 536

Remember to properly secure the package and to include the receipt.

If you have purchased a custom-made fabric (personalized size, color, or design), it is not returnable.

Due to the individual nature of some of the items offered at Tartaruga, not every item may be eligible for exchange. You can exchange the product up to 30 days after receiving the shipment, however, you can only choose the new fabric from those products that are available on hand in our store. In such a situation, please contact us in advance so that we can reserve the product of your choice for you. It will be shipped when we receive the returned shipment (and after a surcharge if the product selected for exchange is more expensive; when it is cheaper we will refund the difference to your account). You cannot exchange the fabric you already have for a design that is “made to order”.

If the fabric you purchased was available in the regular offer (you could buy it in the online or stationary store) and you did not find a matching pattern for exchange, you are entitled to 30 days to return it. Please send returns and exchanges to:

Tartaruga Studio
2 Bohdanowicza St
93-552 Lodz,
tel. 691 567 536

Remember to properly secure the package.

If you have purchased a custom-made fabric (personalized size, color, or design), it is not subject to exchange.

Our traveling weaving workshops are held every month or two. We don’t have some kind of regular schedule, we usually visit different major cities in Poland, from Gdansk to Zakopane 🙂 Most often we meet in Warsaw, but we are happy to go in other directions as well!

We also invite you to weekly classes in our studio in Lodz.

You can find all the information about the workshops in the “Workshops” tab and tickets for individual meetings are available in the online store.

At the workshop we learn to weave from scratch, so you don’t need to have any knowledge of weaving or handwork 🙂 Don’t worry if you last had contact with art classes in the last grade of elementary school! In the workshop we discuss step by step all the steps you need to do to prepare for working on the loom. We suggest how to choose yarns, how to make the next moves with the needle and what to do so that the fabric looks nice on the wall when finished. Weaving is actually an uncomplicated activity, you just need a little patience and a lot of time for it 🙂 If you are curious about what kind of weaving classes we have on offer go to the “Workshops” tab.

If working at the loom is not new to you and you are curious about new weaves and techniques, then you are welcome to join us for a one-on-one class! Over the course of a 5-hour workshop, we can select topics to show you interesting new areas of weaving. We can deal with structures, more complicated shapes, talk about raw materials, fabric finishing, dyeing or loom construction. Tell us what you’re interested in and we’ll prepare a class especially for you!

If you do not have the opportunity to come to Lodz and are wondering whether to participate in our group workshops, you are also welcome! During such workshops we work in a small group and always have time to talk to everyone. Participants always do their own original ideas, so if you want to come to the workshop and work on a more complicated fabric, learn about new weaves, structures or ways of combining shapes, then by all means, we will find time for that at the workshop.

Tickets for upcoming workshops can be found in our online store.